Leichhardt Out Of School Hours
Care for school aged children

7am – 9am
Before School Care

3pm – 6pm
After School Care

7.30am – 6pm
Vacation Care
about us
Leichhardt Out of School Hours (LOOSH)
is a parent-run not for profit organisation, established in 1988 in the grounds of Leichhardt Public School, which strives to provide quality out of school hours care to school age children in our community.
BSC Children at Leichhardt OOSH
Before School Care operates from 7am-9am for a total of 2 hours. We offer breakfast from 7:30am-8:30am. We offer a range of physical and creative activities within the morning.
ASC Children at Leichhardt OOSH
After School Care operates from 3pm-6pm for a total of 3 hours. We offer afternoon tea around 3:30pm-4pm. We offer a range of creative activities for each program area and physical activities for all ages.
ASC Children at St. Fiacre’s OOSH
After School Care operates from 3pm-6pm for a total of 3 hours. We offer afternoon tea around 3:30pm-4pm. We offer a creative activities for each program area and physical activities for all ages.
Children at Leichhardt OOSH Vacation Care
Vacation Care operates from 7:30am-6pm for a total of 10.5 hours. We offer a large range of creative and physical activities that coincide with the daily theme. We offer external providers to come on site and excursions. We provide afternoon tea to the children around 3-3:30pm.

Waitlist now open for 2025
Please head to the ENROL NOW page to start your child’s enrolment through OWNA and submit a ‘booking request’ to place your child on the waitlist.

Give feedback
We place a high value on customer feedback and appreciate your honesty. If you have feedback for our team that you think might benefit us, feel free to contact us
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Work with us
If you are interested in employment with LOOSH, please email the Casual Staffing Coordinator (admin@loosh.org.au) with a cover letter addressing the following criteria, a current resume, and contact details of two references.
Some Moments From Our Everyday Life