Privacy Policy

A.3 Confidentiality

A.3.1 Policy

LOOSH will make every effort to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all individuals associated with the service by ensuring that all records and information about individual children, families, educators, staff, and management are kept in a safe and secure place and is not divulged or communicated, directly or indirectly, to another person other than:

  • To the extent necessary for the education and care of the child
  • To the extent necessary for medical treatment of the child
  • A parent/guardian of the child to whom the information relates
  • The Regulatory Authority or an authorised officer as expressly authorised, permitted, or required under the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations
  • With the written consent of the person who provided the information.

A.3.2 Considerations

  • Education and Care Services National Regulations 145 – 152, 168,174 – 177, 183
  • National Quality Standard 4.2, 5.1, 7.3
  • Governance and Management Policy
  • Enrolment Form
  • Family Handbook
  • Staff Handbook
  • Personnel files
  • My Time, Our Place.
  • Code of Conduct
  • Work, Health and Safety Act 2011
  • Privacy Act 1988
  • Family Assistance Laws

A.3.3 Procedures

A.3.3.1 Collection of personal information

Before collecting personal information, the service will have considered the following:

  • The purpose for collecting the information
  • What types of information will be disclosed to the public or other organisations
  • When disclosure will happen
  • Why disclosure needs to occur
  • How information is stored
  • The strategies used to keep information secure
  • Who has access to the information
  • The right of the individual to view their personal information
  • The length of time information needs to be retained; and
  • How information will be disposed of.

All information regarding the children and their families attending the service is to be used solely for the purposes of providing childcare and meeting the administration requirements of operating the service.

All information regarding any child/family enrolled in the service will only be accessible to authorised persons. The Management Committee and the Director/Nominated Supervisor will determine who is authorised to access records.

A.3.3.2 Retention and Storage of Records

The Service will ensure that documents set out in the Education and Care Services National Regulations (Regulation 177) are kept in a safe and secure place for the length of time outlined in Regulation 183 (2).

The Approved Provider will develop a practice in relation to the retention and disposal of records. In the event that approval of the service is transferred, the requirements of Regulation 184 will be followed.

A.3.3.3 Disclosure of Information

Personal information regarding the children and their families is not to be discussed with anyone outside the service, except in circumstances outlined in Regulation 181.

Parents/guardians may seek access to the personal information collected about them and their child by contacting the Nominated Supervisor at the service. Children may also seek access to personal information about themselves. Access may be denied where:

  • Access would impact on the privacy of others
  • Access may result in a breach of the service’s duty of care to the child; or
  • The child has provided information in confidence.

Lists of children’s or parents/guardian’s names, emails and phone numbers are deemed confidential and are not for public viewing and will not be issued to any other person or organisation without written consent.

No personal information regarding a staff member is to be given to anyone without his/her written permission.

A.3.3.4 Personal Conversations

Personal conversations with families about their children, or other matters that may impact on the child’s enrolment, for example, fees, will take place in an area that affords them privacy.

Personal conversations with educators and staff about matters relating to their performance will take place in an area that affords them privacy.

A.3.3.5 Maintenance of Information

LOOSH follows the National Privacy Principles to ensure information collected is used appropriately.

Families are advised of the purpose and use of the information collected.

Information collected by the service is primarily used to enable educators to provide high quality care to children and provide a developmentally appropriate program for the children. The majority of information sought from parents at enrolment is required at law to be collected and maintained by any childcare service.

The service takes all reasonable precautions to ensure personal information that is collected, used, and disclosed is accurate, complete and up to date.

Individuals will be required to advise the service of any changes that may affect the initial information provided.

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